Code: Select all
("userid":([0-9]+{1,9})\2,*,"user_name":"([^"]+)\3")\1(^$TST((\2)=$LST(listname)))$ADDLSTBOX(listname, List, $WESC(##\3\n\2))
解决办法是分成两次来写。两次写入是同时的所以第二个直接用 $ADDLST() 即可。
为了避免分开写 username 的最后一个字符编码出现缺漏问题需要在 \3 后面随便多加个字符(比如#)
Code: Select all
$ADDLSTBOX(listname, $WESC(##\3#))$ADDLST(VGIdiots, \2)
将需要执行的文件或脚本放入 proxo 所在目录即可。 wrote: 1. The syntax is: $EXEC(filename.ext).
2. It is working with every extension which is executable by windows.
3. It is working with extensions associated with programs ( so Faultlog.txt
opens in notepad ).
4. Folders opened by explorer ( escaped backslashes! ).
5. In its path-walk the first is Proxomitron's own directory, then the regular
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
FileRead, AllLines, *P65001 listname ; Read ALL lines into AllLines in UTF-8[*P65001]
StringGetPos, LastLineNr, AllLines,`n, R2, ; Get position of last line[R2 to avoid last blank line]
StringTrimLeft, LastLine, AllLines, %LastLineNr% ; Remove everything before last line
StringReplace, LastLine, LastLine, `n ; Remove line break
MsgBox, %LastLine%
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
WinWait, The Proxomitron Says...
ControlGetText, Text, Static2
MsgBox, 4,, 是否新增名单?
IfMsgBox Yes
), listname
SplashTextOn,,25, title, 取消
Sleep 1000