test wrote:1、如何限制路径目录名为如何 /ggao/ 或者 /guanggao/ 下的所有内容都过滤掉?我自己研究了下,在 AdPaths 下添加了些内容;有的成功,有的就不行了。所以可能是我理解的还是有差。
test wrote:2、Proxomitron 把 setTimeout("close()",2000); 给限制了,也就是不让窗口可自动关闭;不知道如何取消?我跟踪了下log也没发现是哪里改,也看了下规则一时也没找到,就干脆一起发帖问了。
Q8: I like to keep the count-down timer, news ticker, clock, etc. on
mypage.com running beyond the default 10 seconds. I'm too lazy to push
the "timer" button, or the frame is too small to show this button.
A8: Either add "mypage.com/ $SET(0=i_timer:0.)" to your IncludeExclude-U list,
or click on the page (or frame) within these first ~10 seconds, which
bypasses setTimeout interception.
对应规则应该是“Unrequested Timers to Button 7.09.05 (fail) [sd] (d.1 l.3)”
test wrote:3、顺便问下类似 adm 里那种文本替换的功能如何在 Proxomitron 做到好了……