

Moderator: phoenix

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Posts: 30
Joined: Jan 14 2009, 15:36


Post by nepter »

1. div里的id和class包含敏感字段的,把它display:none了。
2. iframe js img embed里引用的链接中含敏感字段的,把链接删了。

Code: Select all

Name = "all div ads"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(FLT=0)"
Bounds = "<div[^>]+>"
Limit = 256
Match = "(*\s(id)=["']\0["']*|*\s(class)=["']\0["']*)\1>$TST(\0=(*[^a-z%]|)$LST(adkey)([^a-z]*|))"
Replace = " \1 style="display:none !important;">"

Name = "all iframe js img embed ads"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(FLT=0)"
Bounds = "<(iframe|script|img|embed)[^>]+>"
Limit = 256
Match = "\1src=["']\w[^a-z%]$LST(adkey)[^a-z]\w["']\2"
Replace = "\1\2"
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Re: 自编的小巧型广告通杀规则

Post by phoenix »

取属性值可以用 $AV() 命令,你的那种方式没考虑到没有引号的情况,也没考虑到引号嵌套的情况。
This is used to match any attribute's value. It first parses and isolates the value - automatically taking things like quotes vs. no quotes into account. The match within the command is then limited to just the attribute value. Note: Any quotes surrounding the value will not be part of the match.
第一个规则可以把 id 和 class 写在一起,单独写的话没必要加括号,除非你要把它们放进某个变量;另外,也没必要取了值放进 \0 再 $TST() ,可以参考你的第二个规则那种方式。
Posts: 30
Joined: Jan 14 2009, 15:36

Re: 自编的小巧型广告通杀规则

Post by nepter »


Code: Select all

Name = "all div ads"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<div[^>]+>"
Limit = 512
Match = "(*\s(id|class)=$AV((*[^a-z%]|)$LST(adkey)([^a-z]*|))*)\1>"
Replace = " \1 style="display:none !important;">"

Name = "all iframe js img embed ads"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<(iframe|script|img|embed)[^>]+>"
Limit = 256
Match = "\#src=$AV((*[^a-z%]|)$LST(adkey)([^a-z]*|))\#"
Replace = "\@"
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