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Post by ddbb »

但是为了能自己好好的配pro 不得不好好的读一遍帮助文件
我就想反正也是要读一遍的 对我来说实际上就是一个单词一个单词的翻译过来几乎......
那还不如直接就做个中文版出来 就当是顺手了 也算是帮下别人了........

我在BlockList里遇到了一段 怎么看也看不明白 麻烦帮忙小小的解释一下好么


Also, as you've probably guessed from the examples, Lists can contain comments by beginning a line with '#'. Comments normally will be ignored, but the first few lines of a list are scanned for certain "keywords" which can affect how the list works. Currently there are six keywords: "NoAddURL", "junkbuster", "NoHash", "NoUrlHash", "NoPreHash", and "Logfile".

"NoAddURL" hides the list from the "Add to blockfile" menu in the sysytem tray. It's useful to keep it from becoming cluttered by lists not used for URL matches.

"JunkBuster" if found, will cause Proxomitron to attempt to read and interpret the list as a JunkBuster style blockfile. It's probably less than perfect, but seems to work fairly well with most JunkBuster lists.

Note that due to differences in methodology, designing your own list by adding URLs as you find them will likely be more efficient. In particular, JunkBuster processes hostnames in reverse (root first). Proxomitron treats a URL the same as any random text, so you're better off not using an initial wildcard. For instance, "(http://www.|)somehost.com" will be much faster than "*somehost.com". If you need a leading wildcard try "[^/]++somehost.com". It's a little better than '*' since it only scans up to the first "/" in the URL.

"NoHash", "NoUrlHash", and "NoPreHash" are used to disable various hashing algorithms used in lists. NoHash eliminates all hashing and can save memory for list that are seldom called or where speed isn't an issue. "NoUrlHash" and "NoPreHash" disable particular hash types (see section on hashing below). You probably shouldn't need to use these very often (if at all).

"Logfile" is a special command that tells Proxomitron not to load or process the contents of the file like a regular blocklist. Instead it's useful for using a blocklist for logging purposes along with the $ADDLST() command.

Normally Proxomitron loads and parses the contents of a blockfile into memory as matching expressions. However, for a logfile, not only would that be a waste of memory, but it might also produce parsing errors since the file's contents may not be matching expressions at all.

To set up a logfile, just create a file, add "LOGFILE" somewhere within the first few lines like so...



可能大家也注意到了,上面的例子中,包含了以 '#' 开头的简介。简介通常会被忽略,但是Proxomitron会检查最初的几行,来决定里面是否有他默认的 "关键字",这有可能会影响到列表的工作。目前的"关键字"有六个: "NoAddURL", "junkbuster", "NoHash", "NoUrlHash", "NoPreHash", 和 "Logfile"。

"NoAddURL" 列表在托盘图标上右键菜单的 "Add to blockfile" 子菜单里。. It's useful to keep it from becoming cluttered by lists not used for URL matches.

"JunkBuster" 被标示上之后,Proxomitron会把这段匹配规则理解成被JunkBuster style(废弃的风格)列表。 It's probably less than perfect, but seems to work fairly well with most JunkBuster lists.

Note that due to differences in methodology, designing your own list by adding URLs as you find them will likely be more efficient. In particular, JunkBuster processes hostnames in reverse (root first). Proxomitron treats a URL the same as any random text, so you're better off not using an initial wildcard. For instance, "(http://www.|)somehost.com" will be much faster than "*somehost.com". If you need a leading wildcard try "[^/]++somehost.com". It's a little better than '*' since it only scans up to the first "/" in the URL.

"NoHash", "NoUrlHash", and "NoPreHash" are used to disable various hashing algorithms used in lists. NoHash eliminates all hashing and can save memory for list that are seldom called or where speed isn't an issue. "NoUrlHash" and "NoPreHash" disable particular hash types (see section on hashing below). You probably shouldn't need to use these very often (if at all).

"Logfile" is a special command that tells Proxomitron not to load or process the contents of the file like a regular blocklist. Instead it's useful for using a blocklist for logging purposes along with the $ADDLST() command.

Normally Proxomitron loads and parses the contents of a blockfile into memory as matching expressions. However, for a logfile, not only would that be a waste of memory, but it might also produce parsing errors since the file's contents may not be matching expressions at all.

To set up a logfile, just create a file, add "LOGFILE" somewhere within the first few lines like so...

很少是吧......我在这困扰了一个星期了 怎么查也查不明白该怎么理解这些话............
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Re: 此段帮助文件如何理解?

Post by phoenix »


该List文件将不出现在Proxomitron系统托盘图标右键菜单的“Add to blockfile”下。


NoHash, NoUrlHash, and NoPreHash




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